How to Run PSP Games on PC | PSP Emulator

The PlayStation Portable, PSP for short, is a handheld game console created by SONY and released at December 12, 2004 (Japan).
The PSP’s goal is to be a complete entertainment platform since it is able to run video games, play video content, digital audio and display digital photos stored in memory sticks or UMD disks.

Now we can run PSP Games on our PC by using an excellent emulator named “Potemkin”.

Potemkin (codenamed DaSH) is an experimental open source HLE PSP Emulator. It is created and released by ector under the GPL license.

Here are some features of the emulator:
Features: (End-user point of view)
- Plays Puzzle Bobble Pocket JAP
- Starts AI Go
- Runs numerous demos from the PSP SDK

Technical Features:
- Badly simulated PSP kernel
- Mounts ISOs and CSOs (no DAX!)
- Mounts Windows directories (no good UI yet for this)

Screenshots of some games running:

Since ector does not have the necessary time to work on Potemkin anymore he decided to release the source code (under the GPL license) in case someone else wants to continue working on it.

You can Download it here

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